Below, you should see a painting called American Progress by John Gast. It is the quintessential image seen when discussing Manifest Destiny and westward expansion.
1. For this discussion forum, I want you to first analyze the picture. The first portion of your post will feature your observations from this analysis.
2. Choose any two things from the picture to compare and contrast their perspectives. You should discuss how the two perspectives vary, what they would be experiencing in this picture, what might be hopesconcernsmotivationsreactions, etc.. So, as a very brief example, if I chose the bear in the picture, I might write that I am scared because I see hostile humans approaching my home. Of course, this is one example of a detail. I am expecting several details for each perspective. You can write a paragraph for each perspective or you can have a heading for each and list their perspectives in complete sentences. The formatting is flexible so long as the rest of us can understand what your post.
3. You will need to begin making predictions about the kinds of conflict that will follow westward expansion as represented in this picture.
4. Lastly, describe how this image depicts the changes (based on your readings) that were being experienced in the United States during this time.