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Week Seven- Case Scenario Using one of the case scenarios from the resource section, create a situation in which you will use differentiated instruction. Explain how you will plan lessons for the clas

by | Sep 9, 2023 | socialscience

Week Seven- Case Scenario

Using one of the case scenarios from the resource section, create a situation in which you will use differentiated instruction. Explain how you will plan lessons for the classroom set up according to the scenario of your choice.  The first paragraph ( the introductory paragraph) should explain which scenario you will use to create your plan. Without the introductory paragraph, I cannot grade your plan for the scenario. Use the six steps for implementing Differentiated Instruction that Gregory and Chapman outlined in chapter one pages 8 and 9 of your text. Each of the six steps must be named and you must show how each is used in your planned scenario. Also look at the information given about each step. You MUST observe the examples on pages 8.9,10, 90-95,143,190, and best of all page194, This assignment must be done using the chart given on either of these pages as a model for your presentation. Create a chart just like these examples to present your material and plan your case. The chart on page 194 in your textbook is a very good model to use for your chosen scenario. Be sure to check the rubric for this assignment in your syllabus. 

Case Scenario- 30 points

1.      Clear statement in the introduction of the scenario you chose to do. 3pts

2.      Proper and clear use of the six steps for planning differentiated instruction. 9pts

3.      Clearly connects the steps to the activities used for differentiation. 9pts

4.      Clearly connects the steps to the scenario chosen .6pts

5.      Scenario is clearly written and well done. 3pts



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