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Show transcribed image text 1. A two-sample t confidence interval for a difference in population means Aa Aa Most consumers are not diamond experts, so many rely on an independent certification body to determine a diamond's value. Diamonds are assessed on four characteristics, referred to as the "four Cs": carat weight, color, clarity, and cut. Several certification bodies issue diamond grading reports, including the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the Hoge Raad voor Diamant (HRD), and the International Gemological Institute (IGI) If, a certification body is recognized as strict in its grading, diamonds certified by that body may sell for higher prices than diamonds with the same grades that are certified by a different body. Compare the prices of diamonds graded by one certifier to the prices of diamonds graded by a different certifier to learn whether one population carries a price premium. The Diamonds data set in the following DataView tool contains data on the carat weight, color, clarity, certification body, and selling price of a random sample of 308 round-cut diamond stones. [Source: Singfat Chu, Journal of Statistics Education Data Archive.] Data Set Diamonds Variables 5 Observations 308 Pricing the C's of Diamond Stones Singfat Chu, Journal of Statistics Education Data Archive Observations Variables Values â–½ 308 308 308 Missing â–½ Form â–½ Numeric Color Qualitative Nonnumeric Qualitative Nonnumeric Variable â–½ Type â–½ Observations > Weight Quantitative Session Timeout Clarity 10:46 P 12/1/20 re to search
1. A two-sample t confidence interval for a difference in population means Aa Aa Most consumers are not diamond experts, so many rely on an independent certification body to determine a diamond's value. Diamonds are assessed on four characteristics, referred to as the "four Cs": carat weight, color, clarity, and cut. Several certification bodies issue diamond grading reports, including the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the Hoge Raad voor Diamant (HRD), and the International Gemological Institute (IGI) If, a certification body is recognized as strict in its grading, diamonds certified by that body may sell for higher prices than diamonds with the same grades that are certified by a different body. Compare the prices of diamonds graded by one certifier to the prices of diamonds graded by a different certifier to learn whether one population carries a price premium. The Diamonds data set in the following DataView tool contains data on the carat weight, color, clarity, certification body, and selling price of a random sample of 308 round-cut diamond stones. [Source: Singfat Chu, Journal of Statistics Education Data Archive.] Data Set Diamonds Variables 5 Observations 308 Pricing the C's of Diamond Stones Singfat Chu, Journal of Statistics Education Data Archive Observations Variables Values â–½ 308 308 308 Missing â–½ Form â–½ Numeric Color Qualitative Nonnumeric Qualitative Nonnumeric Variable â–½ Type â–½ Observations > Weight Quantitative Session Timeout Clarity 10:46 P 12/1/20 re to search