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for madam professor Natural disasters and the psychological effects. with references apa style. paper human sexuality Final Term paper 6 pages with detail instructions – no plagiarism and need to get an A. Effective Training Evaluation Plan Business Psychlogy Assignment 2: RA 1: Experiment: An Organization's Study of Training Programs Presentation Attachment PSY205 Paper due 13 hours week 6 dis question discussion 4

by | Jun 8, 2023 | homework help


First, complete the ACES Self-Assessment Inventory located in your Week 1 required Learning Activities.  

Once you click on the ACES link you will be directed to the “inventory” or self-assessment of your habits, behaviors, attitudes, and stressors. This should take you between 15 to 20 minutes. Remember that this is for your personal use, so be sure to answer the items honestly.

When you are done, complete the worksheet, Your Student Journey: Tools and Strategies for Success. You will need your ACES Self-Assessment results to do so. The worksheet includes a self-reflection. 

a full 5 pages

no plagiarism 


Discuss childbirth in America, particularly with regards to common medical interventions employed in the labor and delivery process. Please express your opinions on what we, as a society, are getting right (if anything) and on what ought to be changed (if anything). Support your arguments with data from peer-reviewed scientific journal articles. Feel free to discuss prenatal or neonatal care if you wish, but be sure to cover labor and delivery. find , chapter 8 and 9 

I need an A on this assignment.  I will provide Instructor main points that he want to see you write tomorrow.  Please start your research now and read over carefully the instructions in detail.  I already got a F done by another tutor on this hw and the instructor is allowing a redo on my term paper counted as my final exam.

Minimum of 6 pages – 7 pages max, APA format 12 point font Times New Roman Double space – not including the cover page and reference page. Do not number cover page, number 1 start on the first page of essay and 1″ margin on all four side.  Do not use right-justified (even-right hands) margin.  No plagiarism cannot quote or paraphrase from summarized articles or other sources.  Need to be your own words throughout, if the summary is better than the interpretation, than it is evidence you are copying.  This is counted 50 percent of my grade and is like a final exam.  Work must be provided with a no plagiarism report.  Please see the attached for full instructions.  Below is a brief summary of what you need to write on and you must follow the instructions listed below on how to right this research paper.  I need an A and I do not want to get an F.  The professor state you must follow his direct instructions,   THERE MAY OCCASIONALLY BE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TEXT’S VERSIONS OF CONCEPTS AND THE VERSIONS THAT I PRESENT IN CLASS, IN 302notes.doc, OR IN DOCUMENTS LISTED IN 302schedule.doc. WHEREVER THERE IS A DIFFERENCE, THE VERSION THAT I PROVIDE IS THE ONE THAT YOU SHOULD PRESENT IN YOUR PAPER.  

The paper is divided into two parts (you do not need to include the headings listed below).  

Part 1: Basic Concepts and Principles  The first part of the paper discusses the fundamentals of operant conditioning based on animal research. First Two Paragraphs on Page 1:  Begin with a definition of operant conditioning as an approach to analyzing behavior that focuses on the ways in which behavior is influenced by its consequences in the environment. You can illustrate the process of operant conditioning by using the prototypical experiment of a rat that presses a bar, receives food, and then presses the bar at a higher rate. NOTE: It would be useful to define reinforcement and punishment here in the first paragraph when you discuss the consequences of behavior. However, DO NOT start defining positive and negative reinforcement, and positive and negative punishment, in the first paragraph because these are technical distinctions that would distract from the basic point of the paragraph.   For contrast, in the next paragraph (not later in the paper), present a short paragraph (half page maximum) that discusses classical conditioning as a process in which learning occurs even though the learned behavior has no consequences in the environment. You can illustrate this process with the experiment in which the ringing of a bell is paired with food and a dog learns to salivate when the bell is rung even though the food is given regardless of the animal’s behavior. (You don’t have to use the terms US, UR, CS, CR.) Starting with the Third Paragraph and Continuing for 2 or 3 pages:  Define and give your own examples of the terms listed below (Part 1 is not a literature review). A common problem with students’ papers is that they leave out required terms or do not provide the requested information. It is suggested that you check off each of the following terms and related information as you complete it. Do not simply the list the terms. They should be conceptually related to each other with logical transitions between terms.      SEE CHECKLIST ON NEXT PAGE  

Key Points on Terms … 1. Be sure to define a technical term before you use it to explain something else. 2. Do not use the term that you’re defining in the definition of that term.  

Part 2: Human Operant Research  The second part of the paper summarizes two or more experiments (from different research articles, not from the same article) on human operant behavior that illustrate concepts from Part 1.  The articles you use must involve human participants in either a laboratory or applied setting. No credit will be given for a summary in which the subjects were animals. IN AT LEAST ONE OF YOUR ARTICLES, THE PARTICIPANTS MUST BE NORMAL ADULTS OR NORMAL TEENAGERS (i.e. not children, not psychotics, not mental patients, not autistic persons, and not mentally retarded persons).  The main purpose of the research must have been to study a process in operant conditioning (they can’t just use an operant concept to explain results from a study in a different field). Do not use an article that assesses ways of teaching operant conditioning.  The articles must be from a primary source in a printed journal (not a website or web page) describing the full original experiment and not from a secondary source, such as Psychological Bulletin, that presents summaries. Each of the experiments you summarize must come from a different research article. If a research article includes more than one experiment, you do not have to summarize all of the experiments in that article. One is enough if your summary of it is detailed and substantial. Each article must be summarized separately. Do not combine two  9 articles into a single summary that makes blanket statements about what the two studies had in common.  Begin each summary by stating what concept or concepts from Part 1 it illustrates. In at least 1 page per article (preferably more than 1 page), describe the rationale, procedure, and specific findings of the study. In other words, you should compare findings (e.g., response rates) in different conditions or groups and not just state a general conclusion that the researchers drew from their findings. The summary is in past tense.  For an article on shaping, describe in detail the successive approximations that were used to establish the target response.   Whatever topic you select, your description of the research must be thorough enough to demonstrate that you have carefully read and understood the research. Use your own words and avoid paraphrasing and jargon.   Before summarizing your first study, present a paragraph to relate Part 1 to Part 2. You should indicate which concepts from Part 1 will be illustrated. Also, point out the key role of instructions in human operant research. A significant way in which human operant research differs from research with nonhuman species is that with human participants instructions are usually included to speed up the conditioning process. Typically, instructions are used to describe the response that will be reinforced. After the response occurs, it produces reinforcement and then the frequency of the response is increased. Instructions may also be used to describe the reinforcers (or punishers) involved and the schedules under which they will be administered (e.g., the complex reinforcement systems used in token economies).  You can point out that even though the use of instructions may seem to make human operant research fundamentally different from animal research, the instructions themselves may be conceptualized in basic operant conditioning terms. Instructions can be a type of discriminative stimulus in that they precede the response and signal that if the response is performed it may be reinforced. In this sense, instructions are just a more complex form of the visual and auditory stimuli used as discriminative stimuli in animal research.  Referring to an article. When you introduce an article in Part 2, give the authors’ last names and the year of publication, like: “A study by Renee and Creer (1976) used shaping to …” Do not give the authors’ first names, their institutional affiliation, or the title of the article.  SUGGESTED READINGS  As a general suggestion, you could look through issues of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. This journal specializes in the study of human operant behavior in socially significant settings. In addition to the paper copies available in the library, all issues (except those from the most recent 6 months) are available online for free in pdf format. Links to all of the issues and articles can be found in the following archive: In your summary of each article, highlight the ways in which the researcher used instructions to facilitate conditioning, for example, by describing the response that was required for reinforcement or by describing the possible outcomes of that response.  see attachment for articles to read and research.

5-7 pages

  Assignment 2: RA 1: Experiment: An Organization’s Study of Training Programs Presentation

Individuals in the field of training and development need to be able to evaluate and compare various training methods to assure the best and most effective means to boost employee skills, improve staff performance, revitalize team dynamics, or encourage employee development and promotion.

For this assignment, you will design a faux experiment (you will design the experiment but will not actually conduct it). This experiment will compare different types of training modalities. You will include an explanation of how this task would be measured and achieved. It is a complex assignment that also builds on what you learned in your Research Methods course. Review the following definition, scenario, and directions to complete the assignment and summarize it in a presentation of approximately 6- to 8-slides.

Experimental Research Design Definition:

Morrison-Beedy and Melnyk (2012) provide a comprehensive definition for experimental research design: The only type of research that allows us to draw conclusions about cause and effect relationships between an intervention or treatment and an outcome. A true experiment or randomized controlled trial is the strongest type of intervention study for testing cause and effect relationships. There are three components required in a true experiment: An intervention or treatment, a comparison or control group and random assignment of participants to experimental or comparison/control groups. (p. 1) Scenario:

You are working as a consultant with a large national corporation and have been assigned the task to discover which training method option gives the best results for the organization. Specifically, leadership is interested in discovering which training modality has the best rate of training transfer.


The training topic to compare will be “How to Design and Manage Effective Meetings.” In 6- to 8-slides (including detailed speaker’s notes), design an experiment that will compare the effectiveness of three different training modalities. Analyze the following training methods: On-site training Virtual training No training (this is your control group) Design an experiment comparing three modalities of training. You should include “no training” as your control group. Identify the three groups you will include in this experiment. What is included in these training modalities? Identify the variables within this training study and explain how they will be manipulated or controlled. Discuss how you will randomly assign your participants (i.e., employees in your organization) to each of these groups. Analyze and determine the ethical considerations in such a study. Determine how you will measure the results, particularly in regard to Kirkpatrick’s model. With all of these elements explored, the next step is presenting this information to leadership. Discuss how you will approach the leadership team and present how you have designed and will conduct this experiment.

Your final product will be a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation approximately 6- to 8-slides in length (including detailed speaker’s notes). You will utilize three to five scholarly sources in your research (beyond your textbook). Your presentation should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


In  this assignment, you will explore attachment in depth and discuss  variants in attachment based on parenting style, gender, and culture.

Watch segments 1-4 of “Classic Studies in Psychology,” located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Write a 700-word paper that addresses the following: Define attachment. What behaviors in children are associated with being securely attached? What behaviors in children are associated with being insecurely attached: avoidant, disorganized, and resistant? What are the short- and long-term effects of secure attachment? How can a caregiver foster secure attachment? What are some cultural differences in how parents foster attachment in their children?

Cite at least 1 other source.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


DUE:  March 29, 2018 Beginning of Class Time – No Later

Identify a topic of interest to you related to the course.  Prepare five critical thinking

questions related to your topic.  Read 5 research articles from academic journals

(NO POPULAR PRESS) relevant to your topic. Do not use dissertation abstracts.  

Complete your literature search in any of these data bases: PsycArticles, PsycINFO,

or Proquest Psychological Journals. All articles must be on the same topic.  The

topic must be included on the title pages.  Write a brief summary of each article

(one page minimum, double spaced).  Each summary must include a complete

reference (author, title, journal, year, volume, pages).  Start with the most current

articles (this year and earlier).  All papers must include two identical title pages, one

introduction, 5 summaries, 5 detailed abstract and citation records printed directly

from your data base search, and one conclusion.  You must include a copy of the

detailed record of each article you review immediately following your summary. Use

the following as a guide.


Introduction:  Introduce your topic and the research related to it.  Why is

this topic important?  List your critical thinking questions by number.  

Identify the theories and/or areas of research or controversy relevant to

your topic.  What is the basic theoretical approach or research paradigm

covered in your articles? In what way do the research articles you

selected address your critical thinking questions? (5pts)


Article Summaries:  Example of reference and summary format:



1.   Hamilton, Seward E.  (year) Identifying African American Gifted    

   Children Using Behavioral Assessment Technique:  The Gifted

   Children Locator.  Journal of Black Psychology, 19, 63-76









Detailed Records:  Include a copy of the detailed record for each article

you summarize. Print each detailed abstract and citation record directly

from your data base search and include it with the article you summarize.

Do not retype or cut and paste the abstract.  Go to the library NOW.  

Familiarize yourself with the reference librarian. Failure to include the

detailed record or to attach it to the summary will result in a two-point

penalty per article.


Conclusion: Briefly summarize observations.  Take a position on any       

controversial or important issues.  Support your position using the

articles you read (provide the reference).  You must discuss/integrate

points covered in your articles.  This section should not be limited to your

emotional response or personal opinion, but may include both.  What

research evidence responds to each of your critical thinking questions?

Answer your critical thinking questions. (10 points


Intelligence tests are controversial, partly because they sometimes determine important aspects of people’s lives. For example, intelligence test scores have factored into determining school placement, identifying giftedness, and diagnosing mental retardation and learning disabilities. Even when an intelligence test shows that a child has normal intelligence, there might be speculation of a learning disability due to him or her falling behind in academic achievement. A child’s biology and environment influences his or her academic achievement, as well. Children from different cultures and socioeconomic status have diverse experiences, beliefs, and attitudes that affect their academic achievement. There are also differences in skills that caregivers emphasize during a child’s development that contribute to a child’s school readiness, which influences intelligence and academic achievement.

Intelligence and academic achievement are often used to determine many aspects of a person’s life, including the diagnosis of a learning disability. Most identifiers of learning disabilities are seen within the realm of intelligence and achievement. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 is an example of a federal mandate that allows for identification of indicators of learning disabilities, such as limited response to intervention or a meaningful discrepancy between a student’s intelligence and achievement scores. When diagnosing a learning disability in determining a child’s intelligence, a combination of indicators is more accurate than a single test score.

For this Discussion, you will explore the differences between intelligence and academic achievement (as opposed to other types of achievement). You also will examine environmental and/or biological influences on intelligence and academic achievement.

To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s Learning Resources related to intelligence and academic achievement and consider environmental and biological influences. Select two influences: environmental and/or biological (you can select two of either category or one of each) that have been associated with intelligence and academic achievement.

Some readings to view for question:

  Berk, L. E. (2014). Development through the lifespan (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Chapter 7, “Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood” (pp. 214–253)

Chapter 9, “Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood” (pp. 288–327) Liu, J., Li, L., Wang, Y., Yan, C., & Liu, X. (2013). Impact of low blood lead concentrations on IQ and school performance in Chinese children. Plos ONE, 8(5), e65230. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065230

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Nisbett, R. E., Aronson, J., Blair, C., Dickens, W., Flynn, J., Halpern, D. F., & Turkheimer, E. (2012). Intelligence: New findings and theoretical developments. American Psychologist, 67(2), 130–159. doi:10.1037/a0026699

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Required Media Films Media Group. (Producer). (2007). Intellectual growth and achievement: Human development—Enhancing social and cognitive growth in children [Video file]. Part of the Series: Human Development: Enhancing Social and Cognitive Growth in Children. New York, N.Y.

Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 28 minutes.

Accessible player –Downloads–Download Transcript Optional Resources Bowman, B. T. (1994). Cultural diversity and academic achievement. Chicago, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Retrieved from Christoffersen, M. N. (2012). A study of adopted children, their environment, and development: A systematic review. Adoption Quarterly, 15(3), 220–237. Welsh, J. A., Nix, R. L., Blair, C., Bierman, K. L., & Nelson, K. E. (2010). The development of cognitive skills and gains in academic school readiness for children from low-income families. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(1), 43–53.


According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (n.d.), “only one in three children are physically active every day” and at least one contributor is the large number of hours children spend either watching television or playing video games. Recently, video games have been developed that offer physical interaction and activity to encourage more physical activity and develop fine motor skills. There are many other types of digital devices, some of which encourage physical activity and others that encourage relaxing behaviors.

In this Discussion, you select one type of digital device and a specific age group. You then examine research related to the impact that digital devices have on the physical development of your selected age group.

To Prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s Learning Resources related to digital technology and its impact on physical development Consider and select one of the following digital devices: Game consoles Tablets Smartphones Laptops Fitness bands Digital sports cameras (e.g., GoPro) Select one of the following age groups: infants, children, adolescents, adults, older adults. Search the Internet and the Walden Library for at least two articles regarding the positive and negative impacts your selected digital device has on physical development of your selected age group By Day 4

Post a summary of each of the articles you found. Explain the positive and negative impact your selected digital device has on the physical development of the age group you selected. Use proper APA format and citations.

some readings for question:

  Cadmus-Bertram, L., Wang, J. B., Patterson, R. E., Newman, V. A., Parker, B. A., & Pierce, J. P. (2013). Web-based self-monitoring for weight loss among overweight/ obese women at increased risk for breast cancer: The HELP pilot study. Psycho-Oncology, 22(8), 1821–1828. DOI: 10.1002/pon.3219

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Calvert, S. L., Staiano, A. E., & Bond, B. J. (2013). Electronic gaming and the obesity crisis. New Directions for Child & Adolescent Development, 2013(139), 51–57. DOI: 10.1002/cad.20031

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Chen, M., Huang, L., Lee, C., Hsieh, C., Lin, Y., Liu, H., & … Lu, W. (2015). A controlled pilot trial of two commercial video games for rehabilitation of arm function after stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29(7), 674–682. DOI: 10.1177/02969215514554115

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Hulteen, R. M., Ridgers, N. D., Johnson, T. M., Mellecker, R. R., & Barnett, L. M. (2015). Children’s movement skills when playing active video games. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 121(3), 767–790. DOI: 10.2466/25.10.PMS.121c24x5

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Lamoth, C. C., Caljouw, S. R., & Postema, K. (2011). Active video gaming to improve balance in the elderly. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 167, 159–164.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Soos, I., Biddle, S. H., Ling, J., Hamar, P., Sandor, I., Boros-Balint, I., & … Simonek, J. (2014). Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, use of electronic media, and snacking among youth: An International study. Kinesiology, 46(2), 155–163.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.



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