For each of the Essay Questions below, you must answer it with a full paragraph. A full paragraph is 6-8 sentences and lets me know that you completely understand the concept.
One and two sentence answers will be given 0 points. Additionally, this is not a Cut and Paste exercise. The only way I know that you understand the concept is if you explain it to me in your own words.
- Explain the historical background of Latino/Hispanic Americans and how it affects their interaction with law enforcement.
- Explain why the stereotypes of Latino/Hispanic Americans do not hold up. Give specific examples.
- How does the communication style of Latino/Hispanic Americans affect their interaction with law enforcement? Give specific examples.
- What are some of the key issues between Latino/Hispanic Americans and law enforcement?
- Explain why there is such an underrepresentation of Latino/Hispanic officers in law enforcement? Give specific examples.
- What are some of the differences and similarities of Arab American groups?
- Discuss the Arab American family structure. Who is the head of the household? What role do children play?
- Describe some of the cultural practices of Arab Americans. Give specific examples.
- What are some of the key issues between Arab American communities and law enforcement? Give specific examples.
- Explain the relationship between law enforcement and Arab Americans post 9/11. Do you think it is getting better or worse?