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DropBox for Efforts to Raise Test Scores Powerpoint In this culminating activity, you are to take the information you gathered in Part A and B in the Leadership for School Improvement Project. You wil

by | Sep 9, 2023 | socialscience

DropBox for Efforts to Raise Test Scores Powerpoint

In this culminating activity, you are to take the information you gathered in Part A and B in the Leadership for School Improvement Project. You will now create a PowerPoint presentation to explain how you would use all the information within these two  (2) assignments, class discussions, and information within the text to show how you would analyze data and develop an action plan to raise test scores in your school building/district to improve student achievement.

Remember you are using the information for these two activities:

Part A- data Analysis   

Part B- Action Plan for Year 1 Turnaround Action Plan for a Subgroup

  • Your final project a PowerPoint includes all the information you gathered for Part A and Part B is due on Sunday night of this week.   (100 points).   Please take the time to review the directions provided and the rubric.
  • Remember the purpose of a PowerPoint would be to use in a group presentation to share ideas and plans that you would use to use data to improve student achievement.  Remember that when choosing font size and layout.  If you have trouble reading a 10-point font on your computer screen, will an audience be able to read it from a table possibly 10 feet away?
  • All information provided should be organized for the purpose for which it has been created, which is efforts to improve school and student achievement based upon data analysis.
  • Please include graphics when applicable.
  • Please include graphics when applicable.

The PowerPoint should be between 10-15 slides excluding the cover slide and the reference slide

This assignment must be uploaded to two links in Canvas by the due date. Failure to load it in both links will result in an incomplete. 



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