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Chapter Seven: Characteristics of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Assignment Part I Watch the video by researcher John Creswell to gain a better understanding of a qualitative research method. N

by | Sep 9, 2023 | socialscience

Chapter Seven: Characteristics of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Assignment

Part I

Watch the video by researcher John Creswell to gain a better understanding of a qualitative research method.

Next, read the attached article regarding the differences between qualitative and quantitative research.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research _ Simply Psychology.pdfDownload Qualitative vs Quantitative Research _ Simply Psychology.pdf

Finally, review the chart, “Characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research.”  

Choose a peer reviewed article (any educational topic you choose).  

Provide a brief summary of the article (one paragraph minimum) and discuss if the article is considered quantitative research article or a qualitative research article.  Use the descriptors from the chart to justify your response. (two paragraph minimum) 

APA seventh edition guidelines must be followed. Peer reviewed means that a board of scholarly reviewers in the subject area of the journal, review materials they publish for quality of research and adherence to editorial standards of the journal, before articles are accepted for publication. If you use materials from peer-reviewed publications, they have been vetted by scholars in your field for quality and importance.

See the attached rubric for more details. 

Part II

Chapter Seven: Gathering Qualitative Data

Chapter Seven discusses the importance of QUALITATIVE data; yet, a teacher’s typical day does not lend itself to reflecting or journaling students’ progress and noting improvements to make the next school day. 

Compare the two journal entries found on pages 118 and 203 of the textbook.  Earmark page 121 to answer the following questions.  Each question must serve as a header in your composition.

1.  Briefly compare and contrast the journal entries found on pages 118 and 203.  (minimum one paragraph)

2.  Discuss how you could employ journaling as a form of data collection….not only for an inquiry brief, but at the present time in your classroom to begin gathering qualitative data regarding your students’ progress. Briefly describe how a qualitative data collection method you would utilize and the time of day you would collect the data.  Provide reasons for both the method and the time of day you would collect the data (minimum two paragraphs)

3. What consistent prompts would you respond to in order to obtain consistent qualitative data? (minimum one paragraph)



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