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56412 based on assignment 1 please answer sociology question 55171 What does Don Barry of IBM mean by “life-cycle” in the context of this case? How would this… literature review intergrated treatment dual disorders mental health disorders and substance Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Positioning phi 103 wk1 disc1 Communicating about individuals with disabilities Using sensitive and appropriate language is… Due sunday 11:59pm 3-4 pages minimum 55628

by | Jun 8, 2023 | homework help

The file that says SWOT Analysis Jordache was the rough draft of my paper just add on to it include the internal and external analysis to the SWOT i already listed just like the direction says. Also the abstract and the recommendations are needed for the entire SWOT. Create a SWOT analysis for USPA Polo Jordache. Attached are the directions to this paper. Also, i remade SWOT is done. please add more information to this paper this is to be a full 6-page paper. Add appropriate details and make the paragraphs lengthy.

Writing Assignment (Part 4): Investigate a Social Issue Final PaperDue Week 10 and worth 150 points

Working from your previous assignments and from the feedback of your professor, you will now write the final draft of your paper. Specifically, you will submit a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you address all of the following:

  1. Specific Hypothesis.  Introduce your paper by identifying the specific hypothesis you are evaluating in this paper. 
  2. Applicable Sociological Concepts. Identify the sociological theories and terminology from the text that apply to your social issue
  3. Practical Implications.  Discuss the value of sociological research into your issue.  Determine whether or not there are (or would be) practical implications of sociological inquiry into this issue.  
  4. Evidence.  This is the most important part of the paper.  Analyze  at least two (2) lines of evidence that pertain to the hypothesis you are evaluating.  Does the evidence support your hypothesis?  For each type of evidence, consider possible biases and alternative interpretations.  
  5. Conclusions.  Draw conclusions based on the evidence that you have discovered. Does the evidence confirm or refute your hypothesis?  Is the evidence sufficiently convincing to draw firm conclusions about your hypothesis?  

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate the various methodologies for sociological research.
  • Apply the sociological perspective to a variety of socioeconomic and political problems.
  • Critically examine how society shapes individuals and how individuals shape society.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics

The article "The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy" from Harvard Business Review presents a comprehensive view of how five major competitive forces shape the industry and strategic planning of businesses. Each force has specific ways that shape competition, and which may influence strategy. Prepare an 8-slide presentation describing the relationship between IT and a company's competitive advantage or strategy with detailed speaker notes that addresses the following: Identify and briefly describe five specific areas where IT represents a risk to a company's competitive advantage. Identify and briefly describe five specific areas in which IT may support or promote a company's competitive advantage.

What does Don Barry of IBM mean by “life-cycle” in the context of this case? How would this life-cycle management work when it comes to IT assets? Break into small groups with your classmates and create a working definition of life-cycle management and how it works as you understand it from the case.

Literature Review on: Intergrated Treatment for Dual Disorders (mental health disorders and substance abuse disorders combined (intergrated) and treating at the same time… not the traditonal approach (separate).

Thesis Satement: Will intergrated treatrement benefical to the consumer (client)?

If mental health disorders and substance abuse disorder were treated simultanousley integrated treatment would be beniefical to the consumer (client ). 

In this assignment you will describe your fictitious company and provided its background. Then, you are ready to start building the marketing plan with a focus on segmenting and positioning your product and service.

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

A. Write about your company.
1.  Write a detailed company background. Address the following items at a minimum for full credit:
2.  Create a strategic mission statement.
3.  Determine and decide upon at least one (1) foreign market for the product and service. Provide your rationale for this market.

B. Write about your marketing plan.

4.  Discuss the potential audiences for a marketing plan and the needs of those potential audiences.

5.  Identify the marketing segment for the product and provide a rationale for this segment. 

6.  Discuss the target market and provide a rationale for this target market.

7.  Perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats) for the company.

8.  Create the market position for your product and service. Explain your rationale.

9.  Support your marketing plan with at least two (2) reference sources that discuss the nature of the product.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

***ALSO SEE ATTACHMENT*******************

Prepare: To prepare for this discussion, make sure to read the assigned chapters of the primary text and to review the required resources, including the videos about arguments (in the “Lectures” link on the left). Before responding to the prompt, make sure as well to participate in the interactive scenario at the top of this page titled The Raise (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to gain more appreciation of the importance of constructing good arguments in life. 


  Reflect: Choose a topic from the PHI103 Final Paper Options  list. It should be a topic that you find interesting, but also for which you will be able defend a position with careful logical reasoning. Construct the strongest argument that you can on each side of the issue. Strengthen your arguments by contemplating possible objections to each  argument, and revise your arguments in light of the objections. Continue this process until you feel that your arguments for each side are as convincing as you can possibly make them.


Write: Present your two arguments (one on each side of the issue) in standard form (with each premise and conclusion on a separate line) on the topic you selected from the PHI103 Final Paper Options list. The two arguments should defend different positions on the topic. For example, if your topic was the existence of Santa Claus, then you would present one argument for the claim that Santa Claus does exist and another argument that Santa Claus does not exist. The premises of each argument will present reasons for thinking that the conclusion is true.

Here is an example of what an argument in standard form looks like:
Premise 1: If Santa Claus exists, then he lives at the North Pole.
Premise 2: No one can live at the North Pole.
Conclusion: Santa Claus does not exist.


For each argument, provide a brief explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. You might explain whether the argument is inductive or deductive, or you might provide a diagram of the argument. Think about how the two arguments compare to each other. Is one better than the other? If so, what makes that one better? Is each a fair presentation of what someone taking that position would say? Are the premises reasonable? How might each argument be made better?


Communicating about individuals with disabilities

Using sensitive and appropriate language is important in talking about individuals with disabilities, especially when collaborating with colleagues and families. What tips from the readings were new to you regarding communicating about individuals with disabilities? Which habits related to appropriate language do you think special education teachers need to educate their general education colleagues on the most?

Some general educators believe they do not have the time or the expertise to comply with a student’s IEP. Explain how you, as the special education teacher, would support such a teacher in order to best meet the needs of the student.

Provide an example of a situation where a student may need to bypass a step that cannot be mastered after a reasonable amount of time in order to move ahead. What adaptations might you make? When might this bypass of a step prove to be a mistake?

What are some behavioral accommodations that you might make for students with disabilities who pose ? How would you explain these accommodations to other teachers and school staff members? Provide an example. Added to cart

For your Individual Project assignment, you will compare and contrast a work of art in a specific classification (Renaissance or Gothic) appearing on a Web site with a work of art in your textbook of the same classification. You can choose 2 Renaissance paintings, 2 Renaissance sculptures, or 2 Gothic Cathedrals to discuss (2 works in total). You may not discuss works that you have already discussed in another assignment.

To begin your project, explore the following Web sites’ classifications for your individual essay.

Renaissance Art: Visit the following Web sites to review Renaissance art. Links to these Web sites are also available through the unit Resources List in Course Materials.   A museum at the VaticanA Web site with earlier Renaissance ArtA Web site with later Renaissance ArtGothic Cathedrals: Visit these Web sites for Gothic Cathedrals. Links to these Web sites are also available through the unit Resources List in Course Materials.Chartres CathedralHigh GothicCathedral ArchitectureWrite the Individual Project (3–4 pages, not including references). Using the terminology and concepts that you are learning for evaluating art, including materials used, style, meaning, and symbolism, and any other aesthetic issues, compare and contrast 1 of the selected works from the selected Web sites classification with a different work of art of the same classification from your textbook. For example, compare 2 paintings from the Renaissance period or 2 gothic cathedrals. Use the following instructions to construct your paper. For each of the works of art, describe and compare attributes of the works by following the guidelines below to structure your essay.What is the form of the work?Is it a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional work of art?What materials are used?What techniques or processes are used to create the artwork?What colors are used?Describe the use of line, shape, texture, value, color, and balance.Does the work of art have subject matter?If so, what is literally depicted?Is the work of art representational, abstract, or nonobjective?What is the content?What does it mean or represent?What is the artist’s message?Is symbolism used? If so, what is the meaning?What is the context of the artwork?What is the function of the artwork?What traditional role of the artist is exemplified?Explain how the works of art fit into the context of the time period. Keep in mind that only art works that fit into the period of Middle Ages–Renaissance (created between 1350–1520 CE) will be accepted.

You are required to comply with APA-style format for quotations, internal citations, and a reference list. For additional information and resources on APA, visit the APA section of the Library, available under “Library Features.”


ArtLex. (n.d.). ArtLex on the earlier Renaissance art. Retrieved from

ArtLex. (n.d.). ArtLex on the later Renaissance art. Retrieved from

Chartres Cathedral. (n.d.). Retrieved from the Great Buildings Web site:

Earthlore Explorations. (n.d.). Structural designs of Gothic churches and cathedrals. Retrieved from the Elore Web site:

Howe, J. (1997). High Gothic architecture. Retrieved from the Boston College Web site:

Vatican Museums. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.  Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s):

  • Unit 3: Art: Middle Ages and the Renaissance
  • Unit 3: Middle Ages
  • Unit 3: Medieval Culture & the Early Renaissance
  • Unit 3: The Early, High and Northern Renaissance
  • Unit 3: Renaissance
Prebles’ Artforms by Preble Pearson 10 9781256766919 1403A HUMA205 – 10

Name of Book

The Internet is a powerful tool that provides the ability to monitor natural phenomena and disasters that happen all over planet Earth. In this assignment, you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring natural phenomena including earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, global climate, and weather. Based on your research, do the following: Identify a minimum of three different natural phenomena that are typically responsible for natural disasters. Analyze the potential impact of these disasters. Analyze how these phenomena are monitored, or not, via the Internet. Critique available Web sites, which publicly display up-to-date monitored information related to each of the natural phenomena you have identified. Focus on the following aspects: Geography What parts of the world are potentially affected by these phenomena? Specifically, identify the countries. Resources What kinds of resources are allocated toward monitoring these phenomena and why? What types of Web resources monitor the phenomena and provide up-to-date information about them? What kinds of technology are involved in monitoring the phenomena? Politics What political ramifications would this disaster-preparedness technology cause between more-developed countries and less-developed countries? What kinds of issues could this technology cause between less-developed countries? Economics How would this technology directly impact the economies of those countries that have the technology versus those countries that do not? Do you predict any indirect impacts? What current evidence supports your position? Disaster Preparedness What types of systems are in place in terms of disaster preparedness related to these monitored phenomena? Summarize your findings. Evaluate how this technology will impact the future of humanity, both positively and negatively. Be sure to consider the political and economic issues discussed in your future predictions. Support your statements with examples. Use a minimum of six reliable references, two of which should be peer-reviewed articles.



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