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51) According to research, all of the following will most likely help spouses of expatriates adjust.

by | Sep 9, 2023 | accounting



51) According to research, all of the following will most likely help spouses of expatriates adjust to living in foreign countries EXCEPT ________.

A) assistance with finding a job abroad

B) close family relationships

C) pre-school age children

D) scheduled vacations

E) language training

52) Before departing for an overseas assignment, an employee would most likely benefit from ________ training.

A) technical

B) financial

C) interpersonal

D) cross-cultural

E) career development

53) All of the following are the primary benefits of providing ongoing training to employees on overseas assignments EXCEPT ________.

A) developing professional skills

B) offering educational opportunities

C) developing relationships with co-workers

D) cultivating corporate values and standards

E) providing spousal networking opportunities

54) Most North American companies use the ________ approach to formulating expatriate pay.

A) balance sheet

B) equitable wage rate

C) performance

D) host country

E) total package

55) Which approach to formulating expatriate pay involves estimating the employee's expenses in the home country and the host country?

A) income sheet

B) balance sheet

C) mobility allowance

D) performance pay

E) hardship method

56) Which of the following terms refers to paying a portion of an expatriate's salary in home-country currency and a portion in local currency?

A) balance sheet approach

B) split pay approach

C) hardship premium

D) foreign-service premium

E) tax equalization

57) Which of the following is NOT one of the primary expense groups used in the balance sheet approach to formulating expatriate pay?

A) taxes

B) housing

C) goods and services

D) disposable income

E) discretionary expenses

58) ________ are financial payments over and above regular base pay.

A) Foreign service premiums

B) Hardship allowances

C) Balance sheet payments

D) Cultural adjustments

E) Mobility premiums

59) JJP Enterprises seeks to entice one of its star managers to move to Iraq to oversee a construction project. The firm will most likely offer a ________ because of the difficult living and working conditions in Iraq.

A) cost-of-living allowance

B) performance bonus

C) hardship allowance

D) foreign service premium

E) mobility premium

60) Which of the following terms refers to a lump-sum payment given to employees as a reward for moving from one assignment to another?

A) hardship allowance

B) foreign service premium

C) cost-of-living allowance

D) cultural adjustment premium

E) mobility premium




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