48. The component of the logistics function that directs the focus of operations is the:
A.operations component.
B.resource management component.
C.planning component.
D.the sales component.
49. The planning component of the logistics function has all of the following elements except:
A.maintenance and control.
D.capital budgeting.
50. The resource management component of the logistics function has all of the following elements
A.maintenance and control.
B.human resources.
C.inventory control.
D.capital budgeting.
51. The operations component of the logistics function has which of the following elements?
A.maintenance and control.
C.inventory control.
D.capital budgeting.
52. The responsibility to conduct make/buy decisions is usually given to:
B.capital budgeting.
D.research and development.
53. Capital budgeting:
A.is responsible for the issuance of stocks and bonds to finance operations.
B.plans the capital resources needed to support operations.
C.is responsible for the procurement of production materials.
D.is not a function of a company once established and functioning.
54. Engineering is responsible for:
A.designing the product while operations is responsible the bill of materials and the operations list.
B.designing the plant and equipment used in manufacturing.
C.is responsible for the procurement of production equipment.
D.designing the product and creating the bill of materials and the operations list.
55. The bill of materials is the:
A.cost of raw materials purchased from a vendor.
B.document of instructions utilized to assemble a product.
C.form that specifies the components of a product.
D.designing the product and creating the bill of materials and the operations list.
56. The operations list is the:
A.schedule of production for the day, week, or month as specified by the company.
B.document of instructions utilized to assemble a product.
C.form that specifies the components of a product.
D.designing the product and creating the bill of materials and the operations list.
57. Scheduling:
A.plans the timing for acquisition of fixed assets.
B.does not take into account machine breakdowns.
C.takes into consideration all the open sales orders.
D.does not take inventory needs.