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1) Which of the following is NOT part of the apportionment process? Apportionment Authorization Allo

by | Sep 9, 2023 | accounting

1) Which of the following is NOT part of the apportionment process? Apportionment Authorization Allotment Allocation 2) Which of the following is true concerning below-threshold reprogrammings in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriations? (Select one answer) The amount added to an existing Project must be less than $2 million The amount added to an existing Line Item must be less than $2 million The amount added to an existing Budget Activity must be less than $10 million The amount added to an existing Program Element must be less than $10 million 3) Time now is November 2014 (FY 15). Which of the following appropriations is CANCELLED at this time? Select all that apply. (Three correct answers) FY 2007 Aircraft Procurement, Navy FY 2008 RDT&E, Army FY 2009 Operations & Maintenance, Army FY 2008 Military Construction, Defense-Wide 4) All of the following may occur for acquisition programs whose actual obligations and expenditures appear to be significantly lower than their planned levels EXCEPT: Have their budget requests for future years adjusted by Component or OSD budget analysts Keep all or most of their funds by claiming that the variance is due to normal backlog at the government contracting officer Have some or all of their available funds reprogrammed in the year of execution to meet other needs Keep all or most of their funds if they can show that unusual problems are causing their actuals to appear lower than they really are 5) The Navy wants to move $5 million of aircraft procurement funds from the RAVEN aircraft line item to the KESTREL aircraft line item. Neither program is of special interest to Congress. This action requires: Below-threshold reprogramming Congressional notification reprogramming Congressional prior approval reprogramming Internal reprogramming 6) Your contractor complains that it has not been paid for an invoice submitted several months ago. Which one of the following is a potential cause of this problem? Disbursing Office matches the certified contractor payment request up to one or more existing obligations in the accounting system. Procuring Contracting Officer delayed award of the contract due to a protest DFAS Regional Finance Center failed to submit a voucher summary to the Treasury Items or services cited in the invoice could not be verified by the Administrative Contracting Officer 7) Which of the following information is NOT provided on the Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR)? Amount obligated on the contract Estimated termination costs Earned Value to date by Work Breakdown Structure element Forecast of billings to the government 8) Obligation and expenditure plans: Should always be coordinated with the regional Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) office Are prepared by the Program Management Offices Should include as many fourth-quarter obligations and expenditures as possible to minimize the possibility of falling behind the execution plan Should reflect the most optimistic schedule for executing funds 9) $150,000 was committed in February for a research and development contract to be awarded in May. Unfortunately, the lowest bid received by the Procuring Contracting Officer was $200,000. According to the rules governing commitments: (select one) A new commitment for an additional $200,000 should be recorded The official who authorized the original commitment need not take any action The original commitment amount must be increased to $200,000 before the obligation can be recorded The $200,000 obligation for the contract award can be recorded without adjusting the original commitment amount 10) Which of the following is a temporary impoundment of funds? Deferral Commitment Rescission Offset 11) Reimbursable orders are recorded as obligations when: (select one) The providing activity accepts the order in writing The providing activity performs the work or delivers the product ordered The ordering activity delivers the order to the providing activity The providing activity awards a contract to a third party to perform the work ordered 12) An operational Navy base used $150,000 of FY 2015 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funds to award a janitorial contract covering the period June 2015 through October 2015. Assuming that janitorial contracts on this base are ordinarily financed with O&M funds, this action most likely: (select one) Violated the Misappropriation Act Violated the Antideficiency Act Did not violate any fiscal laws Violated the Bona Fide Need Rule 13) The unliquidated balance of a cancelled appropriation: (select one answer only) May be used to make new obligations May not be used to pay any bills Is added to a merged account May be used to pay bills on the original obligation



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